GOTS Sportarzt Zusatzmodul Wettkampfmedizin
Für interessierte Mitglieder der Verbandsärzte und des Jungen Forums
1. Lambert C, Ritzmann R, Akoto R, Lambert M, Pfeiffer T, Wolfarth B, Lachmann D, Shafizadeh S. Epidemiology of Injuries in Olympic Sports. Int J Sports Med. 2021 Oct 19. doi: 10.1055/a-1641-0068. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34666411
2. Hoenig T, Nelson EO, Troy KL, Wolfarth B, Heiderscheit BC, Hollander K. Running-related injury: How long does it take? Feasibility, preliminary evaluation, and German translation of the University of Wisconsin running and recovery index. Phys Ther Sport. 2021 Nov;52:204-208. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2021.09.007. Epub 2021 Sep 23.PMID: 34607122
3. Kastner T, Grim C, Wolfarth B. Herausforderungen für Mannschafts- und Verbandsärzte in Zeiten der COVID-19-Pandemie, SportsOrthopedics and Traumatology, 2021,
4. Pigozzi F, Wolfarth B, Cintron Rodriguez A, Steinacker JM, Badtieva V, Bilzon JLJ, Schneider C, Roberts WO, Swart J, Constantinou D, Dohi M, Papadopoulou T, Hutchinson M, Di Luigi L, Zahar M, So R, Guppy FM, Kaux JF, Madahapola U, Rozenstoka S, Manonelles Marqueta P, Casajús JA, Racinais S, Natsis K, Zelenkova I, Ulkar B, Ozdemir E, Arroyo F, Pedrinelli A, Miller M, Bachl N, Geistlinger M, Pitsiladis YP Protecting olympic participants from COVID-19: the trialled and tested process. Br J Sports Med. 2021 Jul 16:bjsports-2021-104669. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104669. Online ahead of print.PMID: 34272272
5. Halle M, Bloch W, Niess AM, Predel HG, Reinsberger C, Scharhag J, Steinacker J, Wolfarth B, Scherr J, Niebauer J.Exercise and sports after COVID-19-Guidance from a clinical perspective. Transl Sports Med. 2021 May;4(3):310-318. doi: 10.1002/tsm2.247. Epub 2021 May 4.PMID: 34230908
6. Löllgen H, Bachl N, Papadopoulou T, Shafik A, Holloway G, Vonbank K, Jones NE, Bigard X, Niederseer D, Meyer J, Muniz-Pardos B, Debruyne A, Zupet P, Steinacker JM, Wolfarth B, Bilzon JLJ, Ionescu A, Dohi M, Swart J, Badtieva V, Zelenkova I, Casasco M, Geistlinger M, Di Luigi L, Webborn N, Singleton P, Miller M, Pigozzi F, Pitsiladis YP.Recommendations for return to sport during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2020 Jul 13;6(1):e000858. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2020-000858. eCollection 2020
7. Fleckenstein D, Ueberschär O, Wüstenfeld JC, Rüdrich P, Wolfarth B Effect of Uphill Running on VO2, Heart Rate and Lactate Accumulation on Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmills. .Sports (Basel). 2021 Apr 6;9(4):51. doi: 10.3390/sports9040051.PMID: 33917341 Free PMC article.
8. Liebich C, Wegin VV, Marquart C, Schubert I, von Bruehl ML, Halle M, Oberhoffer R, Wolfarth B. Skin Diseases in Elite Athletes. Int J Sports Med. 2021 May 11. doi: 10.1055/a-1446-9828. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33975368
9. Hamilton BR, Lima G, Barrett J, Seal L, Kolliari-Turner A, Wang G, Karanikolou A, Bigard X, Löllgen H, Zupet P, Ionescu A, Debruyne A, Jones N, Vonbank K, Fagnani F, Fossati C, Casasco M, Constantinou D, Wolfarth B, Niederseer D, Bosch A, Muniz-Pardos B, Casajus JA, Schneider C, Loland S, Verroken M, Marqueta PM, Arroyo F, Pedrinelli A, Natsis K, Verhagen E, Roberts WO, Lazzoli JK, Friedman R, Erdogan A, Cintron AV, Yung SP, Janse van Rensburg DC, Ramagole DA, Rozenstoka S, Drummond F, Papadopoulou T, Kumi PYO, Twycross-Lewis R, Harper J, Skiadas V, Shurlock J, Tanisawa K, Seto J, North K, Angadi SS, Martinez-Patiño MJ, Borjesson M, Di Luigi L, Dohi M, Swart J, Bilzon JLJ, Badtieva V, Zelenkova I, Steinacker JM, Bachl N, Pigozzi F, Geistlinger M, Goulis DG, Guppy F, Webborn N, Yildiz BO, Miller M, Singleton P, Pitsiladis YP. Integrating Transwomen and Female Athletes with Differences of Sex Development (DSD) into Elite Competition: The FIMS 2021 Consensus Statement. Sports Med. 2021 Mar 24:1-15. doi: 10.1007/s40279-021-01451-8. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33761127
10. Shurlock J, Muniz-Pardos B, Tucker R, Bachl N, Papadopoulou T, Holloway G, Jones N, Bigard X, Vonbank K, Niederseer D, Meyer J, Nowak D, Debruyne A, Zupet P, Löllgen H, Steinacker JM, Wolfarth B, Bilzon JLJ, Ionescu A, Dohi M, Swart J, Constantinou D, Badtieva V, Zelenkova I, Casasco M, Geistlinger M, Fossati C, Fagnani F, Di Luigi L, Webborn N, Angeloudis K, Guppy FM, Singleton P, Miller M, Pigozzi F, Pitsiladis YP. Recommendations for Face Coverings While Exercising During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sports Med Open. 2021 Mar 15;7(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s40798-021-00309-7.PMID: 33721127
11. Löllgen H, Bachl N, Papadopoulou T, Shafik A, Holloway G, Vonbank K, Jones NE, Bigard X, Niederseer D, Meyer J, Muniz-Pardos B, Debruyne A, Zupet P, Steinacker JM, Wolfarth B, Bilzon JLJ, Ionescu A, Dohi M, Swart J, Badtieva V, Zelenkova I, Casasco M, Geistlinger M, Di Luigi L, Webborn N, Singleton P, Miller M, Pigozzi F, Pitsiladis YP. Infographic. Clinical recommendations for return to play during the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Sports Med. 2021, 344-345, 1 Sep 3:bjsports-2020-102985. doi: 10.1136
12. Lambert C, Reinert N, Stahl L, Pfeiffer T, Wolfarth B, Lachmann D, Shafizadeh S, Ritzmann R Epidemiology of injuries in track and field athletes: a cross-sectional study of specific injuries based on time loss and reduction in sporting level. Phys Sportsmed. 2020 Dec 8:1-10. doi: 10.1080/00913847.2020.1858701
13. Hamilton BR, Martinez-Patiño MJ, Barrett J, Seal L, Tucker R, Papadopoulou T, Bigard X, Kolliari-Turner A, Löllgen H, Zupet P, Ionescu A, Debruyne A, Jones N, Steinacker JM, Vonbank K, Lima G, Fagnani F, Fossati C, Di Luigi L, Pigozzi F, Casasco M, Geistlinger M, Wolfarth B, Seto JT, Bachl N, Twycross-Lewis R, Niederseer D, Bosch A, Swart J, Constantinou D, Muniz-Pardos B, Casajus JA, Badtieva V, Zelenkova I, Bilzon JLJ, Dohi M, Schneider C, Loland S, Verroken M, Marqueta PM, Arroyo F, Pedrinelli A, Natsis K, Verhagen E, Roberts WO, Lazzoli JK, Friedman R, Erdogan A, Cintron AV, Yung SP, van Rensburg DCJ, Ramagole DA, Rozenstoka S, Drummond F, Webborn N, Guppy FM, Pitsiladis YP. Response to the United Nations Human Rights Council's Report on Race and Gender Discrimination in Sport: An Expression of Concern and a Call to Prioritise Research. Sports Med. 2021, 839-842. doi: 10.1007/s40279-020-01380
14. Nieß AM, Bloch W, Friedmann-Bette B, Grim C, Gärtner B*, Halle M, Hirschmüller A, Kopp C, Meyer T, Niebauer J, Predel G, Reinsberger C, Röcker K, Scharhag, J, Schneider C, Scherr J, Steinacker JM, Mayer F, Wolfarth B . Recommendations for exercise testing in sports medicine during the current pandemic situation (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19). DZSM 2020; 71: E1-E2.
15. Nieß AM, Bloch W, Friedmann-Bette B, Grim C, Halle M, Hirschmüller A, Kopp C, Meyer T, Niebauer J, Reinsberger C, Röcker K, Scharhag J, Scherr J, Schneider C, Steinacker JM, Urhausen A, Wolfarth B, Mayer F. Position stand: return to sport in the current Coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19). DZSM 2020; 71: E1-E4.
16. Steinacker JM, Bloch W, Halle M, Mayer F, Meyer T, Hirschmüller A, Röcker K, Nieß A, Scharhag J, Reinsberger C, Scherr J, Niebauer J, Wolfarth B und Sports Medicine Commission der FISA. Merkblatt: Gesundheitssituation für Sportler durch die aktuelle Coronavirus-Pandemie (SARSCoV-2 / COVID-19). Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2020; 71: 85-86. Doi: 10.5960/dzsm.2020.431
17. Legerlotz K, Kittelmann J, Dietzel M, Wolfarth B, Böhlke N. Ice Hockey-Specific Repeated Shuttle Sprint Test Performed on Ice Should Not Be Replaced by Off-Ice Testing. J Strength Cond Res. 2020 Mar 24. [Epub ahead of print]
18. Fleckenstein D, Ueberschaer O, Wuestenfeld JC, Wolfarth B, Physiological and Metabolic Reaction to Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Running, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 71(1):11-18 January 2020 DOI: 10.5960/dzsm.2019.405
19. Blume K, Wolfarth B, Identification of Potential Performance-Related Predictors in Young Competitive Athletes, Frontier in Physiology, 2019
20. Ueberschär O, Fleckenstein D, Wüstenfeld J, Warschun F, Falz R, Wolfarth B. Running on the hypogravity treadmill AlterG does not reduce the magnitude of peak tibial impact accelerations, Sports Orthop. Traumatol.. 2019
21. Ueberschär, O, Fleckenstein D, Warschun F, Walter N, Wüstenfeld J, Wolfarth B, Hoppe M. Energy Cost Of Running Under Hypogravity In Well-Trained Runners And Triathletes: A Biomechanical Perspective. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, Volume 18, Issue 2, 2019
22. Schleichardt A, Erber C, Wolfarth B, Beyer CN, Ueberschär O, Physiological adaptations in the dominant and non-dominant shoulder in male competitive junior volleyball players, Sports Orthop. Traumatol.. 2019
23. Wüstenfeld JC, Wolfarth B, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel im Sport, OUP, 2018; 7: 546-549
24. Ulmer L, Doyscher R, Schmidt P, Wolfarth B., Verletzungsprofil und aktuelle Präventionsansätze im Snowboarden. Sports Orthop. Traumatol.. 35, 2018, 1-7
25. Blume K, Körber N, Hoffmann D, Wolfarth B. Training Load, Immune Status, and Clinical Outcomes in Young Athletes: A Controlled, Prospective, Longitudinal Study. Front Physiol. 2018 Mar 23;9:120.
26. Überschär O., Fleckenstein D., Wüstenfeld J., Fichtner I., Überschär I., Wolfarth B. Die Stressfraktur des Kreuzbeins: MRT-gestützte Zeitskala des Heilungsprozesses einer oftmals fehldiagnostizierten Überbelastungsverletzung bei Sportlern. Sports Orthop. Traumatol.. 34, 2018, 54-64
27. Breitbart P, Gärtner BC, Wolfarth B, Meyer T. Infektionen des oberen Respirationstraktes bei Leistungssportlern: Risikofaktoren, Prävention und Rückkehr zum Sport. Dtsch Z Sportmed. 2017; 68: 189-195.
28. Haser C, Stöggl T, Kriner M, Mikoleit J, Wolfarth B, Scherr J, Halle M, Pfab F. Effect of Dry Needling on Thigh Muscle Strength and Hip Flexion in Elite Soccer Players. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Feb;49(2):378-383.
29. Grim C, Hotfiel T, Engelhardt M, Plewinski S, Spahl O, Wolfarth B Sports Injuries and Illnesses of the German National Team during the 2016 Olympic Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro.. Sportverletz Sportschaden. 2017 Jan;31(1):25-30.
30. Wolfarth B, Grim C, Eder K, Spahl O. Sportmedizinische Betreuung bei den Olympischen Spielen 2016. Leistungssport 2017 (47) 1.
31. Thouet T, Wolfarth B. Return-to-play bei Herzproblemen. Herzmedizin, 3 (2017) 7-16.
32. Selge C, Thomas S, Nowak D, Radon K, Wolfarth B. Asthma prevalence in German Olympic athletes: A comparison of winter and summer sport disciplines. Respiratory Medicine 118 (2016) 15-21.
33. Doyscher R., Kraus K., Hinterwimmer S., Wagner D., Wolfarth B., Haslbauer R., Brucker PU. Evidenz-basierte Return-to-Sport-Testung nach Gelenkeingriffen. Arthroskopie, 2016, 29: 38-44.
34. Wolfarth B, Wuestenfeld JC. „Needle Policy“ – Vorteile und Grenzen der neuen Richtlinie. Sport – Orthopädie – Sport – Traumatologie. 2016 Jan; 1.
35. Wolfarth B, Wuestenfeld JC. Belastungsinduzierte Atembeschwerden im Sport. Sport – Orthopädie – Sport – Traumatologie. 2016 Jan; 1.
36. Burns J, Mason C, Mueller N, Ohlander J, Zock JP, Drobnic F, Wolfarth B, Heinrich J, Omenaas E, Stensrud T, Nowak D, Radon K; GA2LEN-Olympic Study-Team; European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Asthma prevalence in Olympic summer athletes and the general population: An analysis of three European countries. Respir Med. 2015 Jul;109(7):813-20.
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Orthopädiezentrum Theresie
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